Thursday, February 2, 2017

Things I like February 2:

1. My Kolanchoe plant. The pink blossoms were all trimmed from my plant on the right. It's about a foot tall. There were so many blossoms, it was top heavy. I need to split the plant in 2 but I'm afraid to try it. She lives on the windowsill facing north and I cannot tell you how easy this is to care for!
2.Basting of a completed quilt. It's such a relief to have it over with and accurate. My small sewing area doesn't allow for a large table and this old body can't get up off the floor so I have to tape 2 folding tables together.
3. The word "sewist". Fancy smanchy but covers a lot.
4. Impressions from my 12 year old grandson. I actually laugh out loud which only encourages him more. He is such a joy!

I hope you enjoy my first attempt at posting "Things I like". 
Have a wonderful day!
P. S. Please link to LeeAnn Paylor at to see more fun "Things I like". She has a wonderful blog I have been following for awhile. 


  1. Hi Mary, I just read your comment and then it disappeared!
    If you want to link in with the rest of us, let me know and link back to my blog! I like your post lots! LeeAnna

    1. You are so kind. I clicked on my name and the link went to my profile but the "edit" feature showed up which worried me. Did that not happen to you when you clicked on my name? I would love to leave comments or link to your blog as I have admired your artistry and thoughts for awhile now.Let me know what I can do. thx Mary
