Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Things I like Thursdays Aug 29


I can't believe I just ordered my At A Glance Calendar Notebook for 2020!  I've been using this type for years, plus a pocket calendar notebook in my purse and a calendar on the fridge for my brother.  Sad but necessary.  August is just about done and not a moment too soon.  We are dying here from the heat and humidity. With that in mind, here are my "likes" for this week:

1.  AIR CONDITIONING!!!!  Here's a photo from my phone the other morning:

It is not a dry heat.  This is very unusual when there were no clouds in the sky. It's been like this a couple of days.  Our monsoon is now called a nonsoon.  We are down in rain received this year and we are having 110 + degrees every day.  Ugh. Whoever invented A.C. should be given a medal.

2.  New Easy Spirit Traveltime shoes.

They just arrived as I was typing this so I am excited.  I have several pairs of sandals, flip flops and tennis shoes for the summer but I prefer to wear these for the support for my back.  For me, they are expensive (around $69) but they last at least a year. And, for a slip on- they stay on.

3.  Clean floors.

This is the view from my recliner after I collapsed from washing all  the floors.  We have tile throughout. I vacuum every week but the mopping is a killer on my back every few weeks.  We take off our shoes from the outside but we still seem to drag stuff in and there's spills.  Thomas' wheelchair drags stuff in too.   Of course,  I sure like the look of clean floors, though.

4.  Searching for Sylvie Lee by Jean Kwok. My current read.

Searching for Sylvie Lee: A Novel

I just started it 2 days ago and I'm almost  finished  because I couldn't put it down. It's a Chinese immigrant family story with secrets; recommended by Jenna Bush .  I like it.

Once again, no sewing this week or crafts for that matter- just sitting around keeping cool- hah! I wish.  The usual doctor visits, grocery shopping, chores, etc., wear me out. Maybe this quiet weekend coming up- I can play.

Stay cool and safe.


  1. Oh what neat shoes--worth every $ I's been cool and rainy here the past 4 days, but that dreaded humidity has re-entered this morning...thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose

  2. I love those shoes as well! I've had many pair over the years but finally stopped buying them when my husband confessed that he hated them. Not that he's the boss of me or anything, but still. I use a pair for gardening but otherwise have moved on to shoes that don't make him cringe. I guess you know you can pull the inner soles out and wash them. And I know what you mean about washing the floors. We got a Roomba to vacuum and use it all the time, saving lots of work. But can't find a well-reviewed robot to wash the floors. When I tackle them I like to think of how much money I save by not paying for a cleaning person! Actually, that's a tack my husband and I both take about a lot of household chores.

  3. There have been a few likes of favorite shoes this week. Mine are sneakers. I'd have them in every color if I could. How is it that dirt finds its way in even though we sweep, take our shoes off and whatnot? Cleaning floors is a lot of work. I'm grateful that we are having cooler temps now; I'm not a hot weather gal.

  4. I love clean floors too but it hurts my back too. Good for you to find supportive shoes that slip on. I love slip on's
    I'll go look for that book, sounds good. LeeAnna

  5. Hi Mary! I am sorry you are dealing with the humidity. I thought that was only in other areas - never in the desert regions. How odd. Those Easy Spirit shoes - I have a pair and I love, love, LOVE them. I hope you do as well. They have great support for me and the ease of wearing them is worth the expense. Sending cool thoughts your way. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. I am always surprised that it can be humid in the desert, but my mom has mentioned it, too - especially when the monsoons haven't come. I like your new shoes - glad you found some that are so comfortable! Clean floors are always so nice - but definitely a big job that is not my favorite either!

  7. I make people take their shoes off too. But my feet are always dirty even after I sweep, mop and vacuum. Great likes.

  8. Ooh - those shoes look comfy! What a clean floor! It's a thing of beauty. :-)

  9. Here's to clean floors...I know when I mop mine, I love it and think I should do this all the time. And comfy shoes...have noted these, Mary, because they look just like what I'd like. Glad you have your reading to keep busy while inside staying out of those temperatures. Meanwhile here it is starting to cool down overnight so the season is changing. Hopefully, there'll be cooling down your way soon.

  10. Yay! Another recommended by a quilter book for me. I've read a few immigrant novels this past year, both based on actual stories that were gut-wrenching and heartbreaking. I love clean floors too; one day I'll have them when this reno is done!
