Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Things I like Thursdays April 30


So, it’s getting harder to find things I like to post each week!  It’s not that I’m miserable -it’s just that nothing strikes my fancy some days.  You can only clean the house so much, do laundry so often and cook.  I haven’t sewn in ages- it’s just not there.  But, I read and watch tv for “enjoyment”. Can’t go outside cause we’re already in the 100’s; which means 75 at 7AM. The lockdown may start to end next week but we’ll see how that applies to us. Our new cases of the virus numbers are still rising but people are protesting against the lockdown so money usually wins.

I do have a few likes for this week:

1.  My KORU mini quilt.  This was started 2 years ago and put away so I was glad to finish it:

KORU is a New Zealand art style —meaning a spiral or beginning of a new life.  This is lots of tiny pieces of fabrics glued onto a background.   The circle is about 12 inches wide.

Here’s a close-up

It’s very colorful.

2. SOME GOOD NEWS by John Krasinski on You Tube.
   This is a great show to watch for a pick-me-up.  First of all, he’s adorable and very talented but really has a lot of good news during this pandemic.

3. Dr. John Campbell on You Tube.  I think we have Jocelyn at Canadian Needle Nana blog to thank for recommending him awhile back.  What an educational channel on the Coronavirus! Non political.
I believe he teaches nurses.

4.  Michael Buble and his wife on Facebook videos.  Very cute couple and of course his singing is so soothing. But, they share their days with all of us. Very down to earth.

5.  World on Fire -on PBS Masterpiece, Sunday nights.  This is a World War II drama covering 5 countries and very interesting characters.  I was very surprised to see Helen Hunt (from Mad About You ages ago) cast as a journalist in Berlin.   Great show.

6.  Free movies on our cable in April.  We watched the latest release of “Little Women”  (I had been waiting to see it) and it was ok.  I still prefer the June Allison/Peter Lawford version. However, we watched “The Upside’ with Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart- what a great casting.  It’s based on a true story of a French billionaire quadriplegic and his caretaker. Excellent.  Then we watched the sci fi thriller “A Quiet Place”.  Now, you need to know we do not normally watch any scary movies.  But, I thought it was an interesting premise.  It was soooo Good. John Krasinski and his wife Emily Blunt star in it and there’s a sequel to come out later this year.

Wow- two  John Krasinski  mentions in one post.  Hmmmm.

So, now you have a peak into my life this past week.  I did try 2 new recipes- a three ingredient breadstick recipe and a bell peppers as nachos recipe.  Both were disasters.  Just sayin. Ew.
Oh, Thomas has been sick for the first time in almost 2 years with an upper respiratory infection.  I pray that’s all it is because he has underdeveloped lungs and we know what’s out there. He’s still playing but taking mounds of drugs. UGH. I’m not sleeping well worrying about him.

Other than that, things are good.  Hope you all are safe and sound!  Please join us for more “likes” at LeeAnna’s post. Not Afraid of Color



  1. Hi Mary, this was a great post and made for good reading. My grandson,Jack, is a big John Krasinski fan and put me on to his Youtube show and I've been watching. I love him and we went to see A Quiet Place twice. Jack likes to look at directors stuff and see a movie a second time with that in mind; I actually don't mind this as there is so much missed first viewing. Anyway, Glad you are enjoying Dr. John Campbell's shows. I watch the daily update while doing my puzzle. I like the international view he brings and he is so modest.
    Hope Thomas is feeling better soon. Eek!
    I'm getting tired of my own cooking.

  2. where did you find free movies?
    Poor Thomas, poor family worrying. Aren't tests available there? They aren't everywhere. That's a big priority for the gov't to provide.... who am I kidding? They aren't going to do anything to actually help but we'll open it all back up for a few loud mouths who demand.
    Jocelyn... modesty and knowledge is a balm to my spirit in these days of bluster.
    the circle quilt just took me on a journey as I followed the spiral out! lol
    I painted circles yesterday.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about Thomas - hope he gets better quickly. You actually shared lots of good likes this week, Mary! I need to check out John Krasinski - can you believe I don't know him? We really enjoyed "The Upside," too!

  4. Oh hope Thomas gets better quickly. Will keep him in my prayers. I like your list. I liked the Upside.

  5. Oh, cooking disasters! Hope your next ones are more successful. I like your little quilt! I've taped World on Fire - hope to start watching it soon.

  6. Hi Mary! I will add Thomas to my daily prayers. I hate to hear that he has a respiratory issue NOW. Gosh, I would be sleepless over that as well. I'm passing his name on to Sue's prayer group! I am still struggling to sew as well - you just need to do what you can to stay safe. Whatever that means for you. {{Hugs}} and take care. ~smile~ Roseanne
