Wednesday, April 22, 2020

I like Thursdays April 23


How is everyone doing? Are you still at home or is your state getting ready to open?  We are staying closed for now as we don’t think we have peaked yet in Covid 19 cases. ( I can’t believe I just typed that sentence- how surreal).  We are getting cabin fever but realize it’s just too soon to visit anything or anyone.  Also, I and my family think we may have had the virus over the Christmas holidays when we all were so sick we had to cancel family Christmas till Jan 20th.  My son had pneumonia at that time  and didn’t know it! Thankfully, our governor is keeping things closed at least till May 15th.

Anyway, onward and forward.  We are done with Spring already-in the 100’s this weekend and for the next 5 months so I can’t go anywhere anyway.  I did play trucks with Thomas in the driveway for and hour and we were happy.  He really doesn’t grasp the whole virus thing but is happy to be home with dad everyday for school.  Dad is learning A LOT  about computers and software. Lol

Here’s a list of my “likes” for this week:

1. Cutting my hair.  Many years ago I cut my own hair but this time I was scared due to my age, all that brings to the old body and being able to manage the scissors behind my back.  LOL

Not great but not bad!  My hair was driving me crazy on my neck.

2.  Painting again.  Thanks to CEECEE creations, I tried a new type of painting.

The project was circles and lines.  The bottom photo is called “Stellar”. The first photo is a close up of one of the circles.  Here are some more close ups:

It was so fun and way out of my comfort zone to paint and doodle this way.

3.  Photos of Thomas having fun doing new things

Mom finally convinced him making cookies was fun- this makes me so happy that he enjoyed it.

Helping Dad wash the van was new, also.  In the past, we have asked Thomas to try these new things but he would say no.  Now, he’s very interested in engaging in life events.  We are so happy.

So you can see we are finding joy in everyday life.
Please join us at Lee Anna’s site for more likes at :Not. Afraid of Color

Have a great day!


  1. great haircut! Yea! The painting is just exciting... I've been busy finishing up the sketchbook revival lessons but now I need to go find CeeCee and try that style. You did a really great job painting!!! We have not peaked, but our gov. is lowering restrictions so I expect to rebound in numbers. So high here anyway. We are in the second highest county for deaths in CO and I seldom see anyone keeping distance or wearing masks. They seem to be rejecting science and considering this just an inconvenience. I hate that as it puts us as risk. The virus hadn't surfaced in Dec here, so if you had a nasty one, imagine how horrid covid would be... stay safe girl and keep painting!

  2. Yes, it all feels very surreal to me, too! Who would have ever thought that wearing a mask to the grocery store would feel normal... You did a great job cutting your hair! And I love the happy smiling pictures of Thomas!

  3. Hi Mary! How fun seeing Thomas making cookies and washing the car. I'll bet he enjoyed doing both but the rewards of cookie making are better. You can't eat a clean car!! You did a fabulous job cutting your hair! I wish I was closer so you could give me a trim. I am thrilled to see you are back to painting - I know you enjoy it and it relaxes you. Yippee! ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Yay for painting. I love the colors and the composition. I recall having short hair and how overnight it goes from okay to goodness-chop-it-off! I'm so impressed you cut it yourself. I'd have never dared!

  5. How wonderful to see Thomas being engaged in activities around the house. Makes everyone feel better. Good job with the hair cut. I cut my bangs, but can wait for a trim on the rest for a while. Glad you are enjoying trying some new painting techniques. Wish you could us some of your warmth. We've had snow and cold for many days now and it's getting boring.

  6. Good morning, Mary. I think you did a great job of your hair. Do you have clippers? They actually work well on the sides and back and take some of the guess work out of it. Surprising what we can manage if we try. How fun for you to try a new painting technique and what a happy looking guy Thomas is helping in the kitchen. That's so good for him. Yes, who knows when this will end. Our prime minister has said no time soon.

  7. I love the joy and wonder in your painting. :-) I would be surprised if California doesn't extend the stay-in-place order beyond May 3. Take care.

  8. Your hair looks cute! I love your paintings. How cool to see Thomas more engaged and enjoying trying new things!
