Wednesday, May 13, 2020

I like Thursdays May 14


I feel like I’m in the movie “Ground Hog Day”.  Same thing, over and over. Oh well-I should not complain cause we are ok here.  I got to see my daughter’s family for Mother’s Day for a few minutes while we were all using safety precautions.  That made me and them feel better.  Thomas is better after a second series of drugs for the bronchitis.  That’s never happened before.

I’m trying new recipes as long as it doesn’t involve turning on the oven due to the excessive heat.  I’ll share some with you if they’re good ones.  Haha

Here’s a list of my “likes”this week:

1.  Three new plants to “clean the air”.  Anthurium Sweet Dreams pink, Eternity plant and a snake plant.

2.  Mothers Day gift plant of succulents from my daughter

The pot is the cutest with a quilting mode and it matches the shower curtain!  Oh, and she made me a spice cake, too.

3.  Home made crumpets.  I was able to get yeast from my daughter and bought a crumpet tool.  The crumpets were heavy but ok.

  if I can find yeast somewhere, I  have another recipe which comes from Curtis Stone that I will use  to make them again. Don't want to waste purchasing the tool. Just sayin. If it works, I’ll post that recipe.;

4.  My new favorite painting: “ FALLING LEAVES”

It  was such fun and very relaxing. Thanks again to CEECEE CREATIONS for the tutorial.

Well, that’s a glimpse into my life this past week. I hope you are healthy and happy.

Take care!


  1. Good morning, Mary! So glad to hear that Thomas has kicked that virus to the curb. He probably really misses you - as much as you miss him! {{Hugs}} I'm so glad to see you continue to paint. Your falling leaves are lovely, and even more so knowing how much you enjoyed painting it! Take care. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Crumpets look good (love the mug next to them, too). I really like falling leaves. Yay for seeing family, even for a little bit. Stay cool!

  3. Hurrah for seeing family. Glad Thomas is finally feeling better. Love your painting, and lovely gifts especially the plants. I had to look up what a crumpet was, then I went down the rabbit hole looking at what clotted cream was.

  4. Your new plants look great, Mary! I really like the succulents, especially in their pretty pots. Glad you got to see your family for a bit on Mother's Day, too. Your crumpets look yummy - do you put butter and jam on them?

  5. Glad that Thomas is recovering. Very scary time to have bronchitis. I've heard of crumpets, but guess I don't really know what they are. Will look it up. They look like small pancakes. Your new plants liven things up. I have an old snake plant that has grown much too tall and has to be propped up so it won't fall over. It has even had blooms sometimes. Sorry you are so hot there. We set several record low temperatures this week.

  6. I don't think I've ever tasted a crumpet. How are they different from English muffins? They look tasty, so I'll be right there. I'll bring yeast :-)

  7. Hi Mary, I applaud you making crumpets which is one of my favourite snacks. We always have them in the freezer. Your leaves are lovely and how nice to still be enjoying it all. A gift of plants is the best. YOu have quite a nice array there now. Stay safe!

  8. Your new plants are so cute! Especially that antherium. I've never grown those before, but I love colored houseplants so maybe I'll look for one! I've been baking a lot but haven't tried crumpets. I probably don't need any other tasty things to gobble down though....
