Wednesday, March 4, 2020

I like Thursdays Mar 5


March already??? Hmm. We will be in mid 80’s this week so I shouldn’t be surprised. I had a great Sunday cause Thomas was here and we played.  What a joy.  I’m on less machine oxygen as time goes on so that makes me happy too.

Here is a list of a few additional “likes” I have this week:

1. A clean house.  I finally was able to clean most of the house.  Dusting (which I hate to do),  vacuuming, throwing stuff out, removing all the Valentine decos, etc. It took 2 days but I love it when it’s done. I was doing that every other week, but due to illness and oxygen levels, got out of the habit.
Hopefully, I’ll get back in that habit.

2.  The Manor quilt is done

The photo was taken outside because inside photos just didn’t show the subtle colors.  Anyway my brother was nice enough to hold it up. It’s heavy. 
My daughter loves it and I’m pleased.

3. Cara Cara oranges

They are sweet, pink inside, and seedless! More expensive than Navels but worth it since I hardly ever eat oranges.

4. Art quilts from England.  I have no idea how I came upon this website:
However, I was completely in awe of her textile art quilts, travel stories from many countries.
I especially like her Indian Women portraits. I don’t make art quilts but I do appreciate seeing other’s work.  She also makes clothing from fabrics she’s bought on her travels.  I hope you check her out. 

That’s a quick peek into my life this last week.  Hope your enjoyed yours. Please join us at Lee Anna’s site for more “likes” :Not Afraid of Color.

Take care

P.S. On a separate note, I feel we should get a “do over” when we have already voted by mail for a candidate that just pulled out of the Democratic Primary.  Ugh!!  Just sayin.


  1. Hi Mary! I agree with you about the re-do on voting. Darn it - no one wants to waste a vote. I'm glad the Manor quilt is all complete and that your daughter loves it. How could she not?! And yippee to less oxygen and being able to clean the house. {{Hugs}} and time spent with Thomas?!! Sounds like a fabulous week for you. Here's to another one. Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. yes to the voting! Or the candidates should remove their hats from the ring as soon as they know they aren't truly in it. Yes to a clean house. I sort of remember what that's like, lol

  3. Ugh - I'm overdue for dusting. Yay you for a clean house. I like the colors of your quilt. The color of that orange is really pretty, too - like grapefruit.

  4. Oh Mary, on your P.S., I did the same thing when voting. I voted early, and the person I voted for dropped out after I dropped off my ballot. ;( Your quilt turned out beautifully! I'll have to try those oranges, too.

  5. You all want do overs. By the time my state has a primary all the candidates have dropped out. Great likes for the week. I agree nothing like a clean house. Or fresh bedding. Lovely quilt.

  6. Lovely likes, Mary. Your finished quilt is lovely. Very spring like to me. And my gosh, 80 degrees already. So glad you are feeling healthier. Wish I could find those oranges; I tend not to buy them here because they are bitter often.

  7. I've never tried Caracara oranges, but I'll have to see if I can find some. I eat lots of the little cutie oranges all winter long, and enjoy those. Thanks so much for sharing the link to Gillian Travis's site, I'd not heard of her, but her art is really cool!

  8. Beautiful quilt! I like the subtle colors. Cara cara oranges is a cool name. I'll keep my eyes open for them. Good cheer to you. :-)
