Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Things I like Thursdays Jan 9


So, after being sick for over a month, 2 hospital stays and  3 urgent care visits,   I am liking being able to breathe, think clearly and drive my vehicle! What a nightmare December was. But, I'm on the mend, thankfully.

I am also liking:

1. The Hallmark movies that carried me through living on the sofa FOR A MONTH.

2. The tv show, "Making It".  A craft show to the max!  It was only about a 6 week run .  The hosts were so funny and I was blown away by the imagination and artistry of the contestants.

3. The tv show, The Moodys" hysterical but true to life of family drama.  I have always been a fan of Dennis Leary but this is even more enjoyable and relateable.

4.  My Grinches at the Christmas parade in downtown Glendale:

Thomas and mom facing the sun(oh dear).

5. Thomas enjoying one of his Christmas presents- Slam-basketball magazine.

I got him the subscription thinking he would like all the photos of his favorite players but he wanted to read (by himself) all the captions and stories.  SO, SO COOL. So much for the school's "third grade reading level" .  This is an adult basketball magazine.  Just sayin.  We had our small Christmas exchange last night with only one present and will do it again later in January when we can all be together.

6.My amarylis from my daughter:

The blooms are each  6 inches across!  Gorgeous.

Well peeps, that's about all for now. Happy New Year and please join us at Lee Anna's site for more likes:Not Afraid of Color



  1. Lovely likes, Mary, especially the one where you have made it off the sofa! But yes, tv can be a blessing when feeling so unwell. Make sure you keep up your rest.
    Love the photos of Thomas and your inspired gift for him. Obviously something he will enjoy in the months to come too.
    I keep thinking I would like one of those much beauty esp. at this time of year.
    So happy you are on the mend!!

  2. Hi Mary! I just ADORE the photo of Thomas reading the magazine. That is just the best and I'll bet he enjoys getting the mail each month. A great reason to go out and collect the mail as you never know what might be there for him! AND, your beautiful amaryllis!!! It is stunning . . . and its name contains Mary which is a very fitting gift for you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Beautiful amaryllis---so happy to hear you are feeling better...great pix of Thomas with his magazine--what a fun thing to look forward to...thanks for sharing Stay well hugs, Julierose

  4. Mary, I'm so sorry you've been so sick! Glad you're better now. Love the picture of you and Thomas reading his magazine! I've always been a firm believer that kids can read what they're interested in, and Thomas proves that, doesn't he? Your amaryllis is beautiful.

  5. I'm so glad you're feeling better! And how awesome that Thomas enjoyed the basketball magazine so much, it's always really fantastic when a gift just lands right! I watched the first season of making it and really enjoyed it. Is there a new season? I haven't checked in a while!

  6. Wow, what a December! I hope things continue to get better. The amarylis is beautiful.

  7. You have had an exciting December. I got to chuckling that you kind of binge watched your way through your illness. Great pics of Thomas, and how cool that he loves his magazine.
