Thursday, April 25, 2019

I like Thursdays Apr 25


Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.  Here is my short list of "likes" this week as I'm not home much this week because I am at my daughters house watching.  A plumber is repairing things in their bathroom due to a horrible leak in the wall and installing a new shower!  It's been going on for weeks but getting close to the end, I hope.

I digress-here's the short list:

1. A happy boy with his colored Easter eggs .

He had such a great time with mom and dad.

2.  Watching PBS show Les Miserables.  It's so well done.

3.  Avocado oil Mayo (contains no soy unlike most mayo's);  El Monterey Chicken Enchiladas (one of the few frozen meals with no soy but is really GOOD).

4.  Duff Goldman of the Food Network.  He currently has 5 baking shows that he is appearing on with the Food Network.  I was so pleased he won the bake-off against Buddy Valastro. (I barely was able to watch that show due to Buddy's obnoxious behavior). Duff is so creative and artistic. Plus, he is a modest, fun- loving guy.

Well  peeps,  gotta run.  Have a great week.  Please join us at Lee Anna's for more "likes":Not Afraid of Color


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Things i like Thursday Apr 18


Here is my list of "likes" for this week.  Please join us at Lee Anna's site for more:Not Afraid of Color

1. Spring Flowers bouquet from Safeway.  I was feeling a little down and splurged on some flowers for me.  It worked.  Love this $10 bouquet. :

How can you not love these colors?  Carnations, roses, daisies and other stuff (I have no idea).
This is the first Spring in many years where I have not planted outside so guess I was starving for these lovelies.

2.  Facebook Quilting Groups to follow. Sometimes I just need to "chill" after a lot of chores, drama, etc so I found 2 Facebook groups that are fun to join and  just get lost in: Weekend Quilter and Quilting with Precuts.   I seldom post on Facebook and don't use Messenger but it's fun to see what other people quilt.

3.  Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors NBA team.  They are just so exciting to watch and Steph is just the best -on and off the court.  I've been watching them about 3 years as opposed to our local Phoenix Suns and it's way more fun.  The playoffs started Saturday night and we won.

4. Les Miserable started Sunday night on PBS!--  A new 6 part version of my favorite book and film (Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway).   I went to see the film when it came out and balled like a baby in several parts and I watch it on my DVR.   I also saw the Broadway musical version here at Gammage  and loved it. The music is outstanding.

 PBS has such great actors in their series which means  I'm looking forward to this drama (not a musical) which I have taped to watch at my leisure.  Ain't technology grand?

5.  My daughter's surgery went well and she is healing nicely. She was able to do outpatient and is home which is the best way to really rest.

6.  Easter Bags for the three youngest grandkids

They each contained a stuffed  Easter bunny. Thank goodness for free printables on Pinterest!

I'm pleased I can think of good things while not obsessing about the medical stuff in my life. Never a dull moment.

Hope this week is a blessed one for all. Thanks for stopping by and saying "Hi".

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Things I Like Thursdays Apr 11


I hope you all are enjoying Spring by now.  We expect 96 degrees tomorrow. You thought I was kidding on our short spring last week, huh?  This is going to be a crazy busy stressful week with an MRI for my brother, surgery for my daughter and then prep for a test for me on Sunday.  It never stops.  But, I do have some likes for this week before all the drama:

1.  I went to an all- day WIP sewing at a new location, The Flying Pig studio in Phoenix. It was lovely.  The owner built a large studio behind her home and was very smart in her design.  There was even a parking area for about 10 vehicles. One room contained ample area for 2 long arms.  There was a small kitchen and bathroom.  There was a 6 foot by 6 foot square cutting table with two hanging iron stations.  The last area was a long table-probably 20 feet long for sewing stations.   I forgot to take photos.  There were 2 double screened doors on two walls so we were able to have cool fresh air with the sound of lovely wind chimes in the background.  It was very Zen.  But, by 3PM,  I was getting a headache from my pollen allergies. I enjoyed the company of 2 fellow quilters from our old closed LQS which is really why I go. And I did get a WIP done!

2. RSC 2018 top for H2H is done:

It felt good to get this second top ready for mailing. It's 50 x 70 per the charity's request. The colors are really bright and cheery. I will miss it but I'm glad to send these tops to cheer someone.

3.  Call the Midwife and Mrs. Wilson on PBS.  I've been watching Call the Midwife for a few years and love the  60's vibe as well as the inspiring women.  Mrs. Wilson is only a 3 part series but the first episode was packed with info and intrigue. The story runs from the 40's through the 60's about a married mother who discovers secrets when her husband dies suddenly. s usual with PBS, the acting is perfect.

4. Beauty and the Beast.  The live action remake  from 2017.  There was nothing on tv to my liking so I started watching this movie.  It was a beautiful, romantic musical.  Dan Stevens from Downton Abbey played the Beast.  Unusual casting I must say.  But, he did a great job as well as Emma Watson being  Belle.  The effects and photography were outstanding.  It cost $255 million dollars to make!  But, it made 1.2 billion dollars. just sayin.  Of course, I had no idea it was even out there and so well portrayed the original book and animation.

5.  Fattoush.  The dictionary states this is a Middle Eastern dish with explicit vegetables and croutons.  But, anyone can make their own:

I used chopped lettuce, peeled and finely chopped English cucumber and  radishes, then added  sliced white seedless grapes. I do like adding a fruit each time.  I toasted 2 slices of  gluten free bread and chopped them also. You could toast the stale chopped  bread in a skillet with butter but I was in a hurry.  The dressing was made with 2 Tablespoons each of honey and virgin olive oil with a tsp of lemon juice.  I tossed the veggies with the dressing  and refrigerated it for several hours.  This is so light and refreshing. The joy of this recipe is choosing different fruits and vegetables each time-especially using what's on hand in the fridge. Also, i did not add any spices or salt and pepper but if I had some fresh mint, that would have been even better.

6. Relevant Bloggers.  I was shocked by a recent post from the Snarky Quilter's (Joanna)blog post the snarky quilter.  Talk about relevant to today's events.  The rugs made in Afghanistan:

This one is made showing a bus, tanks and helicopters from the war!  There are many more rugs depicted on her blog post.  Stunning.
 Joanna is a wonderful artist and I enjoy her blog but this post really made an impression on me.  Hope you enjoy visiting her site as well.

As you can see, I did have some down time to complete the hand sewing alterations on my daughter's 8 pairs of pants and a skirt while watching tv.  I doubt I'll have any sewing time this week so I'll be happy when the following week comes and I can get back to some "me" time.

Enjoy your day and thanks for stopping by. Please join us at Lee Anna's for more "likes" at Not Afraid of Color


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Things I like Thursdays April 4

Happy Spring!


We are all good here and enjoying our short springtime.  Of course, the pollen count is very high so I only go outside a little.  I spent 2 days dealing with wifi issues and now that is fixed. I learned some technical things and was glad I was able to fix it without paying a tech. I passed my medical physical with all the various tests, labs, xrays so I'm very grateful.  What a change from last year at this time.  Of course, I take meds to keep these old age ailments at bay but that's a given. I still have one more test later this month and the brother is having an MRI next week as well. Just a glimpse into real life.  I hope to sew this week and even attend a day long WIP day at a new location on Friday.  I need some down time.

Here is my list of "likes" for this week:

1. Confetti pink polka dot plant. 

Isn't this sweet?  It's about 4 inches, cost $3 at Sprouts and I couldn't resist. Since it lives indoor or out, I put it in the living room window. It can be in shade if necessary.  I've had the pot for years-it's a Talavera made locally- purchased when I was still working and had a higher income. LOL  I think the white dots on the pot coordinate well with the plant.

 The plate is from Cost Plus many years ago that I would use for a cheese plate when entertaining. Do you ever go to an expensive store and feel good when you can afford to purchase just one thing?  That was me that day but I think I paid $10 for it and have loved it for years.

2.  Correctly cut  jelly roll strips

This is not one.  That is not a fold that you see, it's a jump in the fabric!  I cut it in half- either side of the error and went on my way pressing the strips. Glad I caught it before sewing.

3.  Easter Vignettes.  Warning: very cute photos ahead

Rather than set up one table or shelf , I leave them around the dining and living room areas. They are just too cute.  Thomas' favorite is the last photo.  I purchased them all- many years ago -all at one time at Tuesday Morning. Score.

4. Good thoughts to start the day.  I'm not keen on interior design  "words" that cover the walls, or cute sayings on the wall, in general.  But, one day I found this inexpensive, old wall hanging and loved it.  It hangs in my bathroom to remind me as I start the day:

I think the patchwork background caught my eye first.

And now- I'm gonna clean the garage before it gets too hot. UGH.  The dirt is tracking into the house, so time to sweep.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my little glimpse of my life and likes.  Please join us at Lee Anna's  post for more "likes" at:NOT AFRAID OF COLOR

Have a great day!