We are happier now that the weather is warming up to normal here in Az. I hope you made it safely through all these crazy blizzards and wet weather in the U.S. Please join us at Lee Anna's site:Not Afraid of Color for positive, fun "likes". Here's my list for this week:
1. Quiltfolk No. 9
This issue gives a beautiful insight to the people and scenery of Utah. I cannot say enough how much I enjoy these magazines/books. Since there are not advertisements in these, I refer to them as books. The photos are just fantastic but it's the personal stories of the quilters that I really enjoy. The above "tied" quilt is so inviting for a snuggly afternoon.
This is a quilt! It was put together by several quilters in the national park area of Utah.
I take my time reading these books -twice- and are usually not done by the time the next edition arrives (quarterly). These books are such a treat and great reading at bedtime.
2. Backing fabric bought at my LQS sale.
These were $7.80 per yard so I stocked up at 4 yards each. . Aren't they pretty? It's hard to guess on backings for the future but I think these will work. I've made pieced or even patchwork backings but I find it easier and quicker to use a solid piece if I can. I certainly don't need more stash for quilt tops.
3. Sew Your Stash 2019 at aquiltinglife.com. Lead by Sherri McConnell, this provides tips and ideas on organizing the stash/sewing area and getting projects done.
4. becomingminimalist.com for more ideas on reorganizing and removing "stuff'. Joshua Becker wrote a great post on the "convenience fallacy contributes to clutter". We leave things out in our homes thinking we need them available when in reality it would take seconds to remove the item from a nearby cabinet when we actually need it. I tried this with my toaster: it's not even used everyday but I'm constantly moving it around on my tiny kitchen counter to use that space. I love having it tucked away in the cupboard now.
Are you seeing a pattern here? I'm obsessed with purging and less clutter.
5. My newly organized dresser drawers. This is just one that I finally got done.
It feels good to have purged and reorganized the dresser. I filled a large trash bag with trash and moved many items to the Goodwill area of my garage.
I'm saving the clothes closet and fabric stash till last in my reorganization goals for our home.
6. My new eye glasses -they're blue and a bigger frame instead of "light granny glasses". Love them.
7. Homemade blueberry jam.
It's so easy to make jam on the stove. Since I can't have skins or seeds I make jam and then run it through the strainer.
I also spent an entire afternoon cutting up scraps to 2 1/2 inch squares to better see what I have and can use in the future. They look cute in a little box.
As you can see I've been busy.
Hopefully, you enjoyed a glimpse into my "likes" and will join us at Lee Anna's site. Have a great week.