Saturday, December 14, 2019

If it isn't one thing it's another

Greetings! I think the heading is my motto.

I haven't posted for a week because I ended up in the hospital for food blockage in my throat and lack of oxygen.  18 hours later I had an Endoscopy which did not show the food  but they dilated my Esophagus cause it shrinks when you get older and fixed something at the opening of my stomach. . That was bad enough; but, they wouldn't let me leave my bed much less the hospital till I received oxygen to take and use at  home.

 I've had COPD (advanced emphysema) for years and can control it usually with meds. As I've mentioned before, I have a wonderful lung specialist that I see regularly.  But, the Internal Medicine doctor in charge of the ER was literally freaking out on my oxygen readings and the fact I wasn't wearing oxygen already.  It surprised me and my 2 kids with his reaction and opinions. The three of us highly respect the hospital I was at.  Whatever you do, do not question the doctor's opinion.  Gheeze.

I also have a hiatal hernia which means my stomach pushes up into my esophagus  and causes severe acid reflex. We think this caused the food blockage episode and actually caused stress on my lungs.  I had been getting unusually tired just before the food blockage happened-probably a week or 2 but had chalked it up to being too busy. I hadn't checked my oxygen readings that week and just kept chugging along as we women tend to do.  I don't feel "sick"- no cough or fever.  Just tired.

Anyway, I'm sharing all this so anyone experiencing any similar symptoms can see their doctor for help.

 Eventually, I got the oxygen set up and came home.  Many years ago when I was first diagnosed with COPD, I had oxygen at home and then 6-9 months later didn't need it or since.   It's very inconvenient but I'm so grateful for this invention.  My problem is: I can't leave the house much because the portable cylinders are too heavy to transport for the amount that I need and only last 1.5 hours. That means  if the traffic is bad, it takes me 30 minutes to get to the doctor and 30 back. That leaves 30 minutes for the visit.   Hope they're on time.

 Yes, there are portable oxygen concentrators you can purchase that plug into the car or wall and then walk around but they start around $1000 (used)  if the insurance doesn't cover it. LOL

 Grocery stores are very close to my home  but any other shopping or to my kid's homes is 20-30 minutes travel time one way due to traffic. That means I have to carry 2 tanks in the car and switch them out.  I have 6 regular tanks. I'm in the process of getting smaller portable tanks but who knows how much they will hold and for what duration.

This whole mess had controlled our lives this past week ( Frank has pulled the cannula out of my nose 3 times from tripping over the oxygen cords).  I'm feeling fine and can't wait to see the doctor Tuesday for more options on handling my disease. I should mention my oxygen equipment is free from my insurance.  Love Cigna.

Oh, I forgot, the second day home one of the toilets broke and flooded Frank's bathroom so we're sharing a bathroom.  The landlord finally got a guy to come today to fix it. Is it just a female thing or maybe just me that I don't like to share my bathroom?  heehee

I'm better mentally and emotionally so I plan to get back to blogging for next week. I am so glad I got almost all the Christmas shopping done and decorated the house early before all this happened.

Now, to find some cookies.

Thank God for pick up/delivery of groceries!  It's really hard to pull along an oxygen tank and push a grocery cart at the same time, so-- that's not gonna happen. Help those people in the grocery stores who are struggling to do both!

 BTW- my kids have offered to help anytime  but I don't want to interrupt their lives more than necessary and I do love my independence. just sayin. Of course, if it's something I can't do-I'll ask for help.

Thanks for listening and have a great day.  till next week---


  1. Hi Mary, well I was wondering how things were with you....missed you on Thursday.
    So sorry to hear about this chapter in your medical issues. A food blockage sounds dreadful and thank goodness you were able to get just the treatments you needed. Lucky we are in an age of online shopping so we’ll never have to do without. Amazing isn’t it and especially helpful so as you say, we can maintain our independence. I feel like you on that topic. I wish you a splendid recovery, Mary.

  2. omg
    on a trivial note, I hate sharing bathrooms

  3. Now I am backtracking. The great uncle I cared for had that problem. Glad you took care of it. I agree when it rains is pours and there are times we just have to take a deep breath, say a prayer and keep going. Hugs from afar.
