I thought I wouldn't be home to post again till Jan 6 but I'm home this weekend not caring for Thomas till tonite, so I thought I would post a few random thoughts about this last year and our lives.
First and foremost, I have to thank all ya'll for reading and commenting on this blog. When I started this in January I wasn't sure if I would like doing this every week, would anyone even read it (much less comment and participate in the conversation)?. I am so pleased to have a small part in this community. I have new friends! yay!
What have I learned this last year? How much I miss 2016 before the election.! Just sayin.
If I start posting here how I feel about what's going on in our country now, I would be here all day and I would rather post about other aspects of my life.
It's been a difficult year due to my health problems, but I think the issues are manageable . I'm going to be 70 in a few months and someone told me years ago the human body is not designed to last at optimum level forever and there's no warranty. Darn. 70 is old. wow- when I see my reflection in a mirror at the store-I look a lot older than I feel. Oh well. It is what it is. I'm just happy to be here,share my life with my wonderful family and find time to quilt. hee hee 👵
I so enjoy watching Stephen Curry play basketball for the Golden State Warriors. He is such a joyous person. We don't have the NBA channel but sometimes they play on a regular cable channel and we get very excited. I got Thomas a Curry t-shirt for Christmas and he was so happy. Our own Phoenix Suns have been a losing team for a few years now-so sad.
The Hallmark channel has been our favorite all December. PBS' Victoria and Poldark are so well done and I look forward to each season. If the Food Network is on Saturday mornings, I'm hooked.
Sewing is a therapy for me in these worrisome times: politics, health issues, money worries. Sometimes I need the structure to escape and other days no structure, just mindless piecing!
I've been reading other end- of -year blogs which reflect on the past year, their quilting accomplishments and goals for the next year. They even have "planning parties", goal setting and accountability partners! Really? I'm not that kind of sewist or quilter. I quilt for fun whenever it suits me. I did not sew or quilt in the month of December which was the first time I've done that in 5 years. Actually, it felt good not to stress about meeting deadlines.
I'm an "in the moment" person and I've never made it a priority to count how many projects I completed last year or set goals for next year. I don't make resolutions for the new year either. I have posted during the year what I've made and I have a few types of quilts I'd like to make someday, so we'll see if that happens next year. LOL
Until last year, I was the type of quilter who would only work on one project at a time. I know, crazy. But, now I'm "normal" and have at least 6 WIPS that need to be completed and given away. It's a process.
I would like to make a "house" quilt and hope to try hand quilting ( I did "tie" a quilt this year).
I don't know if I can hand quilt because I have tendinitis in both thumbs which is painful but, if it was a long term project in front of the tv maybe it would be possible... and easier on my back than machine quilting a large quilt which is what I have been doing. I might be dreaming.
I seem to be the type of quilter to use a pattern only one time which is silly, I have made some really quick simple quilts which I should repeat in other colors. Unfortunately, I have so many patterns in binders I would never use them all. I need to purge those binders......someday.
I believe I donated about 5 quilts this year and hope to give away more in the next few months. It feels good!
One thing I have noticed is I have been more adventurous (for me) in my cooking this past year. I even made some dishes in the crock pot without a recipe which was fun-especially soups. I've not been a soup person before I tried making my own this way. It's worked out very well and I now like soups. The internet has made so many recipes available for free! And, many bloggers have posted their own great dishes which I've been very grateful for.
January is my organizing month every year. Put away papers from last year, purge and shred unnecessary paper, sort items for tax filing, rearrange fabrics for quilting, clean, clean, clean. Ugh. I think I'll spend mornings doing these things, then sew in the afternoons, hopefully. It's all abot balance.
Well, I think this is about all the self reflection I care to do and appreciate you following along.
I am so pleased to be a blogger and share with you my life. Everyone please have a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR🎇.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Monday, December 25, 2017
The Christmas weekend that was weird
I hope everyone is having a blessed holiday season. This has been the weirdest weekend. Saturday we had our immediate family lunch here at my small home. It was pot lock and the food was good. We opened presents which were thoughtful and appreciated while college football was on the tv. Everyone left by late afternoon and I just couldn't shake the feeling that it did not even feel like Christmas! That's kind of an odd statement because what does Christmas "feel" like? Maybe because it was an early celebration, maybe no holiday music in the background, maybe my hormones are out of whack, maybe cause I've had bad allergies for almost a month, maybe it's old age. I don't know what the answer was but I just went to bed early cause I was tired.
I woke up Sunday and exchanged presents with my brother who lives with me and they were just so thoughtful! A quilting calendar, pot holders he had made by a special quilter in his adult day center, etc. I was feeling a little better. I started laundry and realized I had a document needing to be mailed so I jumped in my truck and went a half mile to the mailbox. I got back in my vehicle and started home --I had no brakes!!! My foot went right to the floor. No warning of any problem...(I just had the entire brake system fixed 8 months ago for the same problem at a great cost). I was shaking the rest of the way and coasted home where I was lucky to stop in the driveway. I was blessed there were no vehicles in my way.
I am a person who really stresses over auto problems and being without my wheels. I have handled a lot of other issues in my life easily but auto problems is not for me.
I called my son in law/daughter and we all figured out how to handle this for Tuesday morning. They have loaned me one of their vehicles so I can drive to their home for special dinner today and they will be late to work Tuesday so they can help me get my broken truck to the service center. I am so pleased my SIL will be with me for support. We had planned for me to watch my grandson cause he's on break from school, so that can still take place.
Thank God for protecting me and giving me such a great family.
I then proceeded to take down the artificial tree because my allergies started the day after I set it up a month ago and it was next to my recliner all this time. (we'll see if that's the culprit). I did lots of laundry, cooked, cleaned just to get thru the day till they would pick me up for dinner and church. About an hour before they arrived I went outside to my truck to retrieve something, tripped over the sidewalk, bounced into the truck and landed on one hip in the driveway. I never fall (thank God). I was looking down at my remote and not watching where I was walking, etc., etc., etc. The whole experience was in slow motion ( this is gonna hurt, hope nobody is watching, hope I can get back up....) Unbelievable... (nasty words might have left my mouth).
I slowly got back up and carefully made it back to the house. Nothing was broken and I feel much better today. But, it felt like some kind of lesson was being sent to me. No clue what that is.
My daughter and family arrived. We had a great dinner but didn't make it to church (dinner ran late) so we packed into their vehicle and visited Christmas lights in the area while singing Christmas songs. It was wonderful and ended my day beautifully! I finally got my Christmas spirit.
I hope everyone had a quiet peaceful weekend instead.
Best wishes,
I hope everyone is having a blessed holiday season. This has been the weirdest weekend. Saturday we had our immediate family lunch here at my small home. It was pot lock and the food was good. We opened presents which were thoughtful and appreciated while college football was on the tv. Everyone left by late afternoon and I just couldn't shake the feeling that it did not even feel like Christmas! That's kind of an odd statement because what does Christmas "feel" like? Maybe because it was an early celebration, maybe no holiday music in the background, maybe my hormones are out of whack, maybe cause I've had bad allergies for almost a month, maybe it's old age. I don't know what the answer was but I just went to bed early cause I was tired.
I woke up Sunday and exchanged presents with my brother who lives with me and they were just so thoughtful! A quilting calendar, pot holders he had made by a special quilter in his adult day center, etc. I was feeling a little better. I started laundry and realized I had a document needing to be mailed so I jumped in my truck and went a half mile to the mailbox. I got back in my vehicle and started home --I had no brakes!!! My foot went right to the floor. No warning of any problem...(I just had the entire brake system fixed 8 months ago for the same problem at a great cost). I was shaking the rest of the way and coasted home where I was lucky to stop in the driveway. I was blessed there were no vehicles in my way.
I am a person who really stresses over auto problems and being without my wheels. I have handled a lot of other issues in my life easily but auto problems is not for me.
I called my son in law/daughter and we all figured out how to handle this for Tuesday morning. They have loaned me one of their vehicles so I can drive to their home for special dinner today and they will be late to work Tuesday so they can help me get my broken truck to the service center. I am so pleased my SIL will be with me for support. We had planned for me to watch my grandson cause he's on break from school, so that can still take place.
Thank God for protecting me and giving me such a great family.
I then proceeded to take down the artificial tree because my allergies started the day after I set it up a month ago and it was next to my recliner all this time. (we'll see if that's the culprit). I did lots of laundry, cooked, cleaned just to get thru the day till they would pick me up for dinner and church. About an hour before they arrived I went outside to my truck to retrieve something, tripped over the sidewalk, bounced into the truck and landed on one hip in the driveway. I never fall (thank God). I was looking down at my remote and not watching where I was walking, etc., etc., etc. The whole experience was in slow motion ( this is gonna hurt, hope nobody is watching, hope I can get back up....) Unbelievable... (nasty words might have left my mouth).
I slowly got back up and carefully made it back to the house. Nothing was broken and I feel much better today. But, it felt like some kind of lesson was being sent to me. No clue what that is.
My daughter and family arrived. We had a great dinner but didn't make it to church (dinner ran late) so we packed into their vehicle and visited Christmas lights in the area while singing Christmas songs. It was wonderful and ended my day beautifully! I finally got my Christmas spirit.
I hope everyone had a quiet peaceful weekend instead.
Best wishes,
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Thursday, December 21, 2017
I like Thursday Dec 21 and Taking a Break
It's that time again to focus on our "likes" this week! Here's my list for this week:
1. Retirement. Okay, I know that's pretty broad, but I'm really liking it right now. There are so many things to accomplish for the holiday and yet I want to take time to enjoy the sights and sounds of the season. Guess those 50 years of working are worth it right now!
2. Google search. All of a sudden I couldn't print from my PC! But, I just "googled" the issue and found the answer in seconds. I'm so grateful for this and the fact that people post solutions to so many problems. I'm still in awe as you can see.
3. Creative marketing.
I find this hysterical. But, I found it at Great Clips when I got my hair trimmed (which is about 2 inches long!!!) The hairdresser used it on my short "do" and it gives great volume. It is a very tall can so it's fun to find a place to store it. It's also way more than I would normally spend but should last awhile. It's a spray moose you spray very lightly on the roots. weird.
4. Quilting friends. I'm not that much of a social person and over the years have only had a few close friends. About a year ago, I became friends with a fellow quilter from my LQS. She was 20 years younger than me and only quilting a few years but she really used every free moment to quilt and we enjoyed chatting. She was still working, was a mom and gramma. I say was because she passed away suddenly last week from a simple outpatient procedure! Our quilting group is in shock, but I am so grateful to have known her and shared our quilting obsession. And, we learned a lot from each other! It is so true that life is short, and we need to appreciate others now.
Well, I pray you are all enjoying your holidays, whatever they may be. If you have the chance to visit someone who is alone at this time, that would be wonderful.
I closed the sewing area up for the rest of the year so I can keep the bedroom clean while the family visits Saturday for lunch. We have a very small home and the only way to the back patio is through my bedroom/sewing room! (But, as I'm writing this I'm thinking I need to sew something to escape the Christmas blues)! Oh well. It's all a process.
I did just get a call now from my daughter that my grandson wants me at his school Holiday Show today. I am so excited.
I'm hoping Lee Anna's sight will be up and running this week so check it out for more "likes" at :Not Afraid of Color. She has had a really busy week scheduled already!
Thanks so much for stopping by here at my blog. I will take a break from blogging starting Tuesday and will probably not be blogging again till January 6th since I will be watching my grandson for Christmas break at his home. Yay!
Best wishes and take care of yourself! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
It's that time again to focus on our "likes" this week! Here's my list for this week:
1. Retirement. Okay, I know that's pretty broad, but I'm really liking it right now. There are so many things to accomplish for the holiday and yet I want to take time to enjoy the sights and sounds of the season. Guess those 50 years of working are worth it right now!
2. Google search. All of a sudden I couldn't print from my PC! But, I just "googled" the issue and found the answer in seconds. I'm so grateful for this and the fact that people post solutions to so many problems. I'm still in awe as you can see.
3. Creative marketing.
I find this hysterical. But, I found it at Great Clips when I got my hair trimmed (which is about 2 inches long!!!) The hairdresser used it on my short "do" and it gives great volume. It is a very tall can so it's fun to find a place to store it. It's also way more than I would normally spend but should last awhile. It's a spray moose you spray very lightly on the roots. weird.
4. Quilting friends. I'm not that much of a social person and over the years have only had a few close friends. About a year ago, I became friends with a fellow quilter from my LQS. She was 20 years younger than me and only quilting a few years but she really used every free moment to quilt and we enjoyed chatting. She was still working, was a mom and gramma. I say was because she passed away suddenly last week from a simple outpatient procedure! Our quilting group is in shock, but I am so grateful to have known her and shared our quilting obsession. And, we learned a lot from each other! It is so true that life is short, and we need to appreciate others now.
Well, I pray you are all enjoying your holidays, whatever they may be. If you have the chance to visit someone who is alone at this time, that would be wonderful.
I closed the sewing area up for the rest of the year so I can keep the bedroom clean while the family visits Saturday for lunch. We have a very small home and the only way to the back patio is through my bedroom/sewing room! (But, as I'm writing this I'm thinking I need to sew something to escape the Christmas blues)! Oh well. It's all a process.
I did just get a call now from my daughter that my grandson wants me at his school Holiday Show today. I am so excited.
I'm hoping Lee Anna's sight will be up and running this week so check it out for more "likes" at :Not Afraid of Color. She has had a really busy week scheduled already!
Thanks so much for stopping by here at my blog. I will take a break from blogging starting Tuesday and will probably not be blogging again till January 6th since I will be watching my grandson for Christmas break at his home. Yay!
Best wishes and take care of yourself! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
I Like Thursdays Dec 14
It's that time again! Let's try to focus on our "likes "for this week-here are mine:
1. Easy Spirit's Traveltime Clog (in black/gray suede). I've been having severe back pain and thought it might be a different tennis shoe I have been wearing when I went shopping. Sure enough, I wore my inside- the- house Easy Spirit clogs instead on Monday and ran around for 4 hours with no pain. Oh my goodness what a difference. So I ordered a new pair for outside walking. They're expensive but so worth it now.

I recommend them. I've worn them around the house for years but now have a pair coming for outdoors. I cannot wait for them to get here!!
2. My new Header here. I have been wanting to improve it for months and finally spent 3 hours learning how to use "paint" in Microsoft ( I know, I'm way behind the times there). That's the only place I could find to join 3 photos. LOL. I feel better now.
3. Coasters for my SIL for Christmas. My son in law actually asked if I would make him sport coasters because mine were bigger and more absorbent then the fancy stone ones my daughter uses in her living room. LOL. So, here's what I made him for Christmas:
Aren't they cute? And, from stash scraps! They're about 6 inches square with cotton batting inside.
4. Camping Pillow and Place mats for my son and DIL. They have a beautiful 5th wheel camper so I made them stuff for Christmas for the camper :
Guess I didn't take a photo of the matching place mats before wrapping! Bummer- they were pretty.
The solid fabric is a slate blue-really nice. I cut up squares from a panel of these camping scenes and just added strips of the blue solid.
5. Summerwinds Nursery-one of my favorite hangouts. Sometimes I just go there to look at the beautiful plants, but this time I was purchasing some petunias for me and 2 Christmas Cactus plants before they no longer bloom or are all gone. I gave my daughter one so she could enjoy the blooms now.
She loves it but I do think they might be high maintenance. We'll see. here's some more photos of my visit:
So funny to see the desert snowman next to these beautiful Christmas Trees! I walked around just so I could enjoy the fragrances. You have to realize this is our growing season.
Here is a display of a special pottery brand called Telavera that is stunning:
6. The movie, White Christmas, at the theater.

My daughter and I went Saturday to the movie theater for a one time showing of our favorite Christmas movie. Just- wow. The music and color were perfect. The story is sweet and we were emotional when we left! All of the musicians, singers, dancers were so talented. We had such a great day. I can't believe I took that second photo above with my phone as the movie started. I never do stuff like that!
7. Doug Jones winning the senatorial race in Alabama. I could write an entire separate blog on this topic but will just leave it at that.
Well, the shopping is all done, presents are wrapped and under the tree. Now for some relaxation to enjoy the season (no sewing till next year). I will be getting ready for family brunch here in 2 weeks so MAYBE I'll bake something and clean the house. But, I'll probably catch up on recorded Hallmark Christmas movies. I love this time of year on Hallmark channel.
Sometimes, I just sit in the rocker listening to music and looking at the tree and lights for a few minutes.
Please join us at Lee Anna's for more "likes" at:Not Afraid of Color . We have a great group of people sharing their posts.
Thanks so much for dropping by. This blog is so fun for sharing and I appreciate your comments.
Have a great week.
It's that time again! Let's try to focus on our "likes "for this week-here are mine:
1. Easy Spirit's Traveltime Clog (in black/gray suede). I've been having severe back pain and thought it might be a different tennis shoe I have been wearing when I went shopping. Sure enough, I wore my inside- the- house Easy Spirit clogs instead on Monday and ran around for 4 hours with no pain. Oh my goodness what a difference. So I ordered a new pair for outside walking. They're expensive but so worth it now.
I recommend them. I've worn them around the house for years but now have a pair coming for outdoors. I cannot wait for them to get here!!
2. My new Header here. I have been wanting to improve it for months and finally spent 3 hours learning how to use "paint" in Microsoft ( I know, I'm way behind the times there). That's the only place I could find to join 3 photos. LOL. I feel better now.
3. Coasters for my SIL for Christmas. My son in law actually asked if I would make him sport coasters because mine were bigger and more absorbent then the fancy stone ones my daughter uses in her living room. LOL. So, here's what I made him for Christmas:
Aren't they cute? And, from stash scraps! They're about 6 inches square with cotton batting inside.
4. Camping Pillow and Place mats for my son and DIL. They have a beautiful 5th wheel camper so I made them stuff for Christmas for the camper :
Guess I didn't take a photo of the matching place mats before wrapping! Bummer- they were pretty.
The solid fabric is a slate blue-really nice. I cut up squares from a panel of these camping scenes and just added strips of the blue solid.
5. Summerwinds Nursery-one of my favorite hangouts. Sometimes I just go there to look at the beautiful plants, but this time I was purchasing some petunias for me and 2 Christmas Cactus plants before they no longer bloom or are all gone. I gave my daughter one so she could enjoy the blooms now.
She loves it but I do think they might be high maintenance. We'll see. here's some more photos of my visit:
So funny to see the desert snowman next to these beautiful Christmas Trees! I walked around just so I could enjoy the fragrances. You have to realize this is our growing season.
Here is a display of a special pottery brand called Telavera that is stunning:
6. The movie, White Christmas, at the theater.
My daughter and I went Saturday to the movie theater for a one time showing of our favorite Christmas movie. Just- wow. The music and color were perfect. The story is sweet and we were emotional when we left! All of the musicians, singers, dancers were so talented. We had such a great day. I can't believe I took that second photo above with my phone as the movie started. I never do stuff like that!
7. Doug Jones winning the senatorial race in Alabama. I could write an entire separate blog on this topic but will just leave it at that.
Well, the shopping is all done, presents are wrapped and under the tree. Now for some relaxation to enjoy the season (no sewing till next year). I will be getting ready for family brunch here in 2 weeks so MAYBE I'll bake something and clean the house. But, I'll probably catch up on recorded Hallmark Christmas movies. I love this time of year on Hallmark channel.
Sometimes, I just sit in the rocker listening to music and looking at the tree and lights for a few minutes.
Please join us at Lee Anna's for more "likes" at:Not Afraid of Color . We have a great group of people sharing their posts.
Thanks so much for dropping by. This blog is so fun for sharing and I appreciate your comments.
Have a great week.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
I Like Thursdays Dec 7
It's 50 degrees outside. Yay! we have finally cooled off in the mornings. It'll be in the 70's later.
So, here's my "likes" list for this week:
1. Stash fabric for emergencies. I have most the Christmas shopping done, wrapped and under the tree. That was after I made a very basic circle tree skirt in a new light blue fabric I found in the stash.
Originally, I had planned to decorate our small tree in blue/white but when my grandson Thomas helped me decorate the tree he added all the snowmen. It was his first time actually applying anything to the tree as it was a sensory issue all these years so he was very brave and now is proud of his helping me. What a moment that was.
I still wanted the light blue fabric for the bottom cause it looks like snow to me. A girl can dream. (Sorry that the photo is a little blurry).
As usual, I'm having a difficult time "getting in the spirit of the holidays " but I'm trying. I've gone to 2 malls in the area and they were so boring- no music,-- one didn't even have decorations-- and quite honestly, there were not the usual amount of shoppers.
2. My "HGTV " shelf over the tv. I don't have much table or shelf space in this living room but wanted a place for little knick knacks so my SIL installed a shelf for me. When Thomas saw it for the first time , he said, " A HGTV shelf. I love it". We all laughed. He obviously watched that channel with his mom.
It is about 3 feet long, just enough for the space. We love the little light it provides (I used battery operated white string lights in the background).
3. My Three Wise Women towel. My daughter gave it to me a few years ago.. She knows me so well.
4. Time Magazine's Persons of the year- the Silence Breakers. What a year this has been! The Silence Breakers are the persons (men and women) who can finally open up, speak up and state who has harmed them. I have been so blessed to have never faced sexual harassment/ assault in the workplace or public. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to come forward in public. I'm pleased this group of people are being recognized and perhaps this will encourage others to come forward as well as scare the crap out of the abusers. just sayin. I won't even go into the crimes aspect here.
Time to get ready for my annual mammo (mom had breast cancer) so need to cut this short this week. Why can't someone invent a more pleasant way to X-ray my boobs? It is so uncomfortable! Oh well, better than the alternative.
My daughter and I are going to see a special playing of "White Christmas" at the movies Saturday so that should be fun.
I hope you all are enjoying this holiday season. Please hook up with Lee Anna :Not Afraid of Color to see our group of "likers".
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!
It's 50 degrees outside. Yay! we have finally cooled off in the mornings. It'll be in the 70's later.
So, here's my "likes" list for this week:
1. Stash fabric for emergencies. I have most the Christmas shopping done, wrapped and under the tree. That was after I made a very basic circle tree skirt in a new light blue fabric I found in the stash.
Originally, I had planned to decorate our small tree in blue/white but when my grandson Thomas helped me decorate the tree he added all the snowmen. It was his first time actually applying anything to the tree as it was a sensory issue all these years so he was very brave and now is proud of his helping me. What a moment that was.
I still wanted the light blue fabric for the bottom cause it looks like snow to me. A girl can dream. (Sorry that the photo is a little blurry).
As usual, I'm having a difficult time "getting in the spirit of the holidays " but I'm trying. I've gone to 2 malls in the area and they were so boring- no music,-- one didn't even have decorations-- and quite honestly, there were not the usual amount of shoppers.
2. My "HGTV " shelf over the tv. I don't have much table or shelf space in this living room but wanted a place for little knick knacks so my SIL installed a shelf for me. When Thomas saw it for the first time , he said, " A HGTV shelf. I love it". We all laughed. He obviously watched that channel with his mom.
It is about 3 feet long, just enough for the space. We love the little light it provides (I used battery operated white string lights in the background).
3. My Three Wise Women towel. My daughter gave it to me a few years ago.. She knows me so well.
4. Time Magazine's Persons of the year- the Silence Breakers. What a year this has been! The Silence Breakers are the persons (men and women) who can finally open up, speak up and state who has harmed them. I have been so blessed to have never faced sexual harassment/ assault in the workplace or public. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to come forward in public. I'm pleased this group of people are being recognized and perhaps this will encourage others to come forward as well as scare the crap out of the abusers. just sayin. I won't even go into the crimes aspect here.
Time to get ready for my annual mammo (mom had breast cancer) so need to cut this short this week. Why can't someone invent a more pleasant way to X-ray my boobs? It is so uncomfortable! Oh well, better than the alternative.
My daughter and I are going to see a special playing of "White Christmas" at the movies Saturday so that should be fun.
I hope you all are enjoying this holiday season. Please hook up with Lee Anna :Not Afraid of Color to see our group of "likers".
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!
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