Thursday, November 30, 2017

I like Thursdays Nov 30


I hope ya'll have recuperated from turkey day here in the states and everyone is healthy and happy.

Here are my likes for this week:
1. Selling my wares at the local craft sale. This was a small community center here in Peoria in a lower income area so it was fun to sell a few place mats, coasters, pot holders, zippered pouches and the favorite-microwave bowl covers:

The solids are the inside of the bowl covers.  I didn't make a lot of money at the sale but met so many  people and made new friends with some fellow crafters.  It was so fun to provide these items for kids to purchase also. This was the only sale I entered this year.

2.  Crazy Mom Quilts blog.  I have followed Amanda Jean for years and just love how creative and sweet she is on her blog.  She has written 2 books and has many followers.  It's her down- to -earth approach to quilting that is so fun.  Here is just one of her items I have added to my "wants" list.

I made many buckets last Christmas but I especially like the teeny tiny patchwork strip and the hand stitching on  this one!  So simple but a great impact.  Amanda's blog link

3. Christmas Coasters.  I had a panel in the stash with 12  Christmas squares so I trimmed them all down and made coasters:

I made 6 because I just sewed 2 together with scrap batting in the middle.  So, they are reversible. I gave 3 to my daughter, but I kept the rest!  I love the vintage look!

4. Outside Decorations. As I mentioned last month, I no longer have a camera so I'm doing the best I can with my Iphone.  My daughter and son in law helped me shape a tree from a  lighted garland on the front window:

I then covered a large shelf unit (that was on my back patio) in a red Christmas vinyl tablecloth and added wrapped presents for the top of the red box. Lots of rocks inserted in the shelf box and presents will keep the unit from blowing away....she said.  I'm not sure how any rain might affect them. Since we only had a few rain sprinkles in the last 90 days, it's hard to predict. Total cost for this project= $12.00! Thank you, Michaels.

5. Store displays this time of year. I seem to be slowing down and smelling the cinnamon. Finally.
    Designers and sale staff are so creative! I have always been so busy with work,etc this time of year      that I rushed thru the process instead of appreciating their work.  I hope you get to spend some            time enjoying this season!

My Christmas indoors decorating is done and hopefully I will have decent photos next time. Now if I can just find time to bake a few items after gift wrapping, cleaning, cooking meals, doctor appointments, family visits.......oh my.

Please join us at Lee Anna's sight:Not Afraid of Color  for more likes!

Thanks for dropping by and leaving your thoughts.  Have a blessed day.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Hot Turkey Day


Just have to share the news photo from yesterday:

We were in shorts and sandals.  But, it was nice in my son's new home where all the doors were open!
I love this photo the news station used and they added the temp! Very cute. Can anyone say Climate Change?

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Things I like Nov 23 Thanksgiving Day

Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving Day!

I've had this Thanksgiving fella for years. He makes me laugh.
Of course I'm thankful for my family, retirement and many other things this special day including not making the big meal for my family.  I will be going to my son's new home for the big event.  And, yes, I will be wearing stretchy pants.

Here are a few of my "likes" this week:

1. The Quilting in America 2017 survey.  It's interesting to see how we are as a community in the eyes of the financial gurus. Evidently, the survey was sent to some people (shop owners?) and the results were at Quilt Market.  Here's the link to the and click on "News".  The  survey results should appear.  Needless to say, there are more quilters and younger quilters which is a good sign that this sewing tradition will prevail. BTW- I don't fall into the average quilter box. LOL.

2. Veggie for breakfast. 
Hey-pumpkin is a veggie.

3.  Maxine. 

Sorry- I know she's irreverent but I think she's funny.  I have a lot of "men" in my life but sometimes they drive me crazy. I am, however, thankful for them.

4. The patchwork house at Lu Ann Kessi's site:Lu Ann Kessi blog
  The red checked roof is my favorite.
 I have been wanting to make a "house" quilt for a year but other projects keep getting in the way.  I don't make goals of my quilting because I want to keep it fun, but hopefully, next year I can give it a go.

5. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.  I watch it every year! My favorites are the Broadway shows and marching bands.

6. Christmas Movies on Hallmark channels.  I record them and watch one almost every day. It's so much better than watching the news. Yes, they are mostly the same story line, but it's a great escape to pretend it's Christmas in a cold climate!

Well, I've got to finish getting my stuff ready for the craft sale and life chores, so I hope you all have a great day.  Please hook up to our "likes" group at: Not Afraid of Color for more fun.  I love to hear your comments and thank you for reading my posts.


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Things I like Nov 16


Where did this last week go?  Somebody get it back for me - I have lots to do.
The rush is on to start getting ready for the holidays so I am making lots of lists.
Here are my "likes" for this week:

1. New bloggers added to our group over at Lee Anna's post. We are all so different yet the same. We enjoy blogging about our likes and lives but also enjoy seeing other's posts!

2. My new Brookstone pillow. My daughter gave me a new bed pillow.  She had puchased some for her home and after we spent a day organizing my grandson's bedroom, she wanted to repay me for the help (which was not necessary, obviously) and gave me a new pillow.
Oh my goodness. This is like sleeping on a cloud. It can be found online to purchase.
I have never had such a luxury- I usually spend $5-10 on a pillow. The Brookstone  pillow is expensive but worth it.
I have sleep issues for health reasons and yet this pillow has helped me sleep better. It is microfiber with a cotton shell, ultra soft and machine washable.

3. Applesauce Cake.  My mom made 2 cakes when I was growing up: Mayonaise cake and Applesauce cake.  They are made from scratch with basic on- hand ingredients for a single layer and turn out moist.  My applesauce cake was found at

4. My red Frosty table toppers.

This first one has blue/white swans on the reverse.

This second one has peppermint candies on the back.  They are each 15 inch square, made in about an hour each, and from scraps.  I love the rabbit on number 2.  These will be in the craft sale next week.

On a sad note, I liked the tributes I have read on blogs and Facebook for Nancy Zieman this week on her passing.  She was a pioneer, author and designer of sewing who was just so pleasant to watch. I not only watched her sewing on PBS for many years, but I still receive her notion catalog each year. She will be sorely missed.

I'm going to try and design as well as install a simple front window Christmas deco this week so I can have it ready by the day after Thanksgiving. I've purchased the parts at great discount at Michael's and the Dollar Store- so that's a start.  Plus, each afternoon I'm making small gifts for the craft sale next week, while getting other household chores done! Never a dull moment.

Thanks for dropping by and join us for more fun at Lee Anna's post: Not Afraid of Color
Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017



First and foremost-My heart goes out to the families of victims and the survivors of the Texas church massacre. I don't understand what's happening to my country. We are not even safe in church.

However, in the spirit of a positive approach to my day- here are my "likes" for this week:

1. Making fabric- Have you ever done that? I love that terminology- it's free. I keep a scrap bucket on my cutting table and it was time for emptying and sorting. I was able to put most of the those scraps  in my scrap color -designated containers.  But, my "fall- colored" scrap bin was overflowing already and could not hold anymore scraps, so I stopped everything I was doing for one afternoon and just sat sewing.  I  took JUST THE SCRAPS FROM THE LAST 2 MONTHS and  cut them into 5 inch slabs. I made 150+ slabs!

I joined them in approximately 10 inch pieces and laid them out on a table= enough pieces for 25" x 45"!!

this is craziness!  I have no idea what I'm going to do with them-probably a coin border for some project later. I just bagged them up for later and put them  into the large scrap bin.  I'm glad I took the time to make fabric!  It was a fun escape time also.

2.  My new Frosty green  table runner.  I have gone back to making stuff for my craft sale at Thanksgiving. It's the only sale I'm entering this year so, I need to get cracking.  I've had a Frosty panel stashed away, so I cut up the squares and rectangles off the panel,  added borders, and quilted the top  onto batting.

 I cut a scrap piece for backing to match the frame of the top, sewed them  right sides together, turned right side out, pressed and top stitched the edge. (no binding).  I also quilted some straight lines in the center of the runner to hold the pieces together.  These Frosty pieces are so cute and the backing is Christmas hearts!

The runner is 11x40 inches. 

3. A trip to Pier 1.  I'm not much of  a window shopper but, after an annoying medical office visit, I stopped on the way home for therapy and visited Pier 1.  I don't go there but possibly once a year.  It felt really good because they have all their Christmas displays out and I needed some inspiration besides an escape from reality. I don't usually purchase anything cause their prices are out of my budget but this time I spent $20.  Whoo Whoo!

I couldn't believe Papasan chairs are in again!

And, this one is a rocker with a velvety pillow (nostalgia time for us old hippies)! Very cool, but I wouldn't be able to get out of it once I was in. 
Also, Pier 1 likes to top their white trees with black top hats. Very cute.

I was intrigued by a large array of masks:

They were very ornate and pretty. i think Lee Anna might like these.

Then I saw this fun tree:
It was about 15 feet tall and they just stuck everything in there!  The display designers at Pier 1 are awesome.
What did I purchase?  Two delightful Reed Diffuser sets for gifts and a gold glittered wire Christmas tree (a foot tall) for a gift also. SCORE

This photo of this tree doesn't do it justice but it's the best since my camera is broken.  The scents on the diffusers are Fresh Balsam and Snowy Birch- very natural.

Well, hope you enjoyed a glimpse into my world and please join us at Lee Anna's "likes" post: Not Afraid of Color

Until next time😊


Thursday, November 2, 2017

I like Thursdays Nov 2


Once again, we are praying for victims and survivors of a tragic event.  Our world really is changing.
I feel so bad for the innocent bikers who were attacked in NYC and their loved ones.  I don't know what to say except to pray for healing and more love in our country.

It's finally cooling off here and it feels so good. The heat makes my health conditions worse so the cooler weather should make my chores easier and I can finally walk in the mornings again.   Here are some of my recent "likes":

1. My new"Shutters" quilt. I finally finished this navy/white batik (from Timeless Treasures Tonga Treats) quilt for my SIL Richard. The pattern came with the 12 fat quarters in a package and I will use this pattern again. The 12 fat quarters were cut into strips and arranged alternately for the 12 blocks. Fun, easy but with a dramatic effect.

I love this quilt! Masculine, classy and perfect size (57 x 54) for me to quilt in the ditch with my Janome.

I made a simple label  and took  a close up of the Maywood backing which was in my stash that I purchased on sale years ago and saved for masculine quilts. Just a perfect match for a small border on the front also. As usual, I used a Bella Solid jelly roll (black on this one) for the binding.

The navy was very dark and the light fabrics are white batiks with the slightest blue print ingrained.   I would love to see this quilt pattern in another 2 tone color as well.

Can I just say I love working with batiks?  I need to acquire more.

2.  My new Thomas the Turkey pillow which was requested  by my daughter for Thanksgiving.
    One thing I cannot do is draw.  I spent hours just trying to come up with a plan.

I pulled 13 fat quarters/scraps for a color plan.  I knew I wanted a half -Dresden for the feathers. I went online to MSQC for a tutorial and used Jenny's body idea for the turkey body and how to make legs with feet. She also used a half Dresden for the feathers.

Then it was just a matter of applying blanket type  stitches on the applique to a 17 inch fabric square with batting underneath.  I didn't use an interfacing underneath the turkey  because I wanted the pillow cover to stay soft and pliable on the sofa. The covers I make for my daughter's pillows always fit a 16 inch pillow form so she can easily change out covers for the season.

Unfortunately, my Iphone doesn't capture the colors better, but the pillow turned out better than I hoped.  My daughter says she smiles every time she sees it.   Of course, I named him Thomas the Turkey.

3.   Ken Follett's first in a series book, Pillars of the Earth I have been wanting to purchase his newest book just released, Column of Fire.  But, it's been so long since I read the first book, I purchased it again as an Ebook and I'm slowly finding time to just sit and read. Love it-again. When I finish the first book, then I can continue the series.

4.  Halloween with my grandson. His dad purchased a huge cardboard cut out of a Monster Jam truck online and then he installed green lights on the cardboard and placed it in front of Thomas' wheelchair so it looked like he was driving the truck as he sat in the driveway while we handed out candy.   So, So, cute.

My grandson was in heaven the whole night as the kids came up and exclaimed how cool this was.
It looked so real. Dad really scored this year. And other dads thought it was cool also. Yep-lots of testosterone was in the air. I was waiting for Tim the Tool Guy to appear with sound affects.  heehee.
The whole evening was a blast.

Please join us at Lee Anna's "likes" blog for more fun:Not Afraid of Color.

Thanks so much for stopping by!